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Project Scheduling

Basic idea of this module is to have a system for Cost Management and Project Scheduling. For the project, user is able to create multiple Major Tasks specifying Planned Budget, Start Date and End Date of the Project.  For each major task, user will be able to specify Planned Duration, Budget, Required Man Days, Required Machinery, Required Material and Responsible Engineer/Executive.

Under the Major Task, user can create a Task and then multiple activities under the Task. For each activity, user can specify planned budget and actual expenses. Proprite also generates various comparison graphs showing deviation from planned and actual expenses.


This system also provides functionality to manage the NMR (Additional or unplanned expenses at site). Daily NMR report is visible to the Accounts Department and this data can be taken into account while calculating the project expenses. Multiple Site Engineers can create such NMR expenses and such NMR report is available to Project Manager.

System also generates proposed expenses vs actual expenses graph and, similarly, a graph depicting the proposed expenses vs expected income can also be generated. Depending on the material requirements in the project scheduling, a purchase calendar can also be generated.